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  • Writer's pictureKenn Payne, Torchbearer

Kleidophoria - the Return of Kore

'The Return of Persephone', (Leighton) with Hekate from 'Demeter, Kore and Hekate', (Aguera)
'The Return of Persephone', (Leighton) with Hekate from 'Demeter, Kore and Hekate', (Aguera)

Today marks the Vernal Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. In my personal practice, I have come to view the Equinoxes, the time where Spring and Autumn most notably begin to make their presence felt, as the time when Kore-Persephone returns to either world above or to the Underworld.

In the original Homeric Hymn to Demeter, it is Hekate who has a pivotal role in the search for, and eventual return of the youthful Goddess, ending Demeter’s long period of anger-fuelled grieving (i.e. the winter). When we view Hekate in this role She is seen as a companion and guide to both Demeter and Persephone.

When I initially read about the somewhat ambiguous “procession of the key” that occurred at the Temple of Hekate in Lagina, my first thought was of Her role as Kleidouchos, the “key bearer” and Her ability to move freely (much as Hermes) between the realms of the living, the dead and the celestial. As noted in Restless Dead by Sarah Johnston:

“None of our sources explain what it was supposed to accomplish, but if it took its name from a key that was carried, then that key must have been of central importance – it must have been used to lock or unlock something significant.”

Sorita d’Este in Circle for Hekate vol.1 adds:

“Considering Hekate’s ability to traverse between the worlds of the living and the dead, it is conceivable that the key opened the way to some form of ritual katabasis.”

Katabasis means a ‘going-down’, a descent. It's a word sometimes used to describe journeys to the Underworld. Anabasis is its opposite, a ‘going-up’. In this sense, it seemed almost logical in my own mind that the procession of a maiden holding a key, with it’s noted importance (even if the specifics aren’t known) that this could indeed work well with the annual ascent/descent of Kore-Persephone and the changing of the seasons.

To this end, the importance of the “kleidos agoge” becomes an addition to the overall mysteries of the Goddess and a tantalising glimmer of serendipity between the present and the past.

And so, we can use the symbolism of the processed key as a powerful and sacred symbol of the Goddess’ connection and role alongside Demeter and Persephone (echoed in the Eleusinian Mysteries). In the Spring, we process the key and present it with jubilation to Hekate for Her to facilitate the return of Persephone to be re-crowned Kore. And in the Autumn, the procession is more solemn, almost of mourning, as we present the key to Hekate and say a farewell to light, fertility and hope as Persephone reunites with Her husband, Haides, and dons the mantle of Queen of the Underworld.

Though the autumnal Kleidophoria, has a more sombre energy, it is still no less an important celebration, for we come to understand through the quiet solace of winter, we can still do much important work.

I have still not formalised any specific rituals for the Kleidophoria, the base themes are as follows:

Kleidophoria (Kore’s Return – Vernal Equinox)

Hekate’s role as key-bearer, guide, and companion; the Ascent of the Maiden, the crowning of Persephone as Kore. Hekate opens the gates to the Underworld and leads Persephone from the Underworld and reunites mother and daughter. Transition to the fecund part of the year. Balance, Celebration, (Re)Birth, Change, Fertility, Growing in Strength, New Beginnings, Rejuvenation, Renewal, Growth, Promise


Apple/Cherry Blossom

Agnus Castus

Pomegranate flowers

Rose petals


Kleidophoria (Persephone’s Descent – Autumn Equinox)

Hekate’s role as key-bearer, guide, and companion; the Descent of the Maiden, the crowning of Kore as Persephone. Hekate opens the gates to the Underworld and leads Persephone to the Underworld and Her husband, Haides. Honour Demeter as Harvest Mother, pray for a kind winter, ‘grieve’ with Her. Transition to the fallow part of the year. Balance, Darkening, Loss, Guidance, Descent, Evolution, Introspection, Independence, Sovereignty, Discernment, Release, Death and Rebirth, Empowerment, Grief, the Unknown.



Agnus Castus

Poppy petals

Pomegranate seeds

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