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Hail and Welcome!



We are now operating as a Membership Centre for the Covenant of Hekate and the website has been fully updated and new and relevant content added.


The Sanctuary of Hekate Polymorphos was created to honour and work with Hekate as “the Many Formed”, acknowledging Her great legacy that has shown that She is not the sum of Her parts, and though often synchronised and conflated with other deities and attributes throughout history, She is in fact a fathomless jewel-like matrix filled with wonder and complexity.


We are a devotional community meeting to explore Her many aspects and titles as well as learning to understand how She chooses to appear to each of us.


Our goal is to facilitate an open and supportive group, uniting people through our common adoration of the Goddess and to uphold the 5 Virtues of Compassion, Courage, Temperance, Justice and Wisdom.

Hekate Ancient Queen, Dark Mother Take Us In, Hekate Ancient Queen, Let Us Be Reborn...

© 2020-2022 Kenn Payne. Proudly created with 

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