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Who Are the Covenant of Hekate?

The Covenant of Hekate is an international community of devotees who honour the Goddess Hekate, in all her many forms, by all her many faces and guises. Spanning many different cultures and traditions, they share an understanding of Hekate as “Soteira” and “Axis Mundi” as a common and mutual ground for exploring Her.


The CoH IS NOT a magical or spiritual tradition, instead it is a community united by a shared passion for the Goddess Hekate, in her many forms, faces and manifestations in the 21st century.


The exploration of the Mysticism and Magic of the goddess Hekate through the practice of theurgy (‘divine-working’) to achieve union with the divine through contemplation, experience, intuition, divination, meditation and ritual within the realms of the Western Esoteric Traditions. The CoH is rooted in firm foundations of knowledge and practice from the traditions of the ancient world which honoured Hekate. 

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